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Developments: New strategy for continuous education

Digital education was a major topic for three German EAEA members who responded to the survey. 2019 brought more online learning options, which were driven by big adult learning providers and not necessarily based on new policies. In the last year, one important policy change was the release of the national strategy for continuous education.

For the Volkshochschulverband Baden-Württemberg (vhs-bw) the situation of adult education has slightly improved, and for the Katholische Erwachsenenbildung Deutschland - Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft e.V.(KEB) and Deutsche Evangelische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Erwachsenenbildung (DEAE) it has stayed the same. Due to increased regional funding vhs-bw was able to launch a new program aimed at the integration of migrants. The vhs-bw has also launched several projects, including mobility projects.

Civil society has an active role in adult education policy development in Germany. The impact of the European Pillar of Social Rights can be seen in new funding schemes for vulnerable groups but it’s not certain they were motivated by the pillar. There are some policies for the implementation of the Upskilling Pathways strategy and the Sustainable Development Goals.